Romulus St. Claire operates under the guise that he'll never marry. In the back of his mind, he knows it's a lie. He would marry if the woman was special enough – someone like his best friend, Siderra Monroe. He's in no hurry to make her his. He's still in limbo with his feelings and he doesn't believe he's ready for a woman like her, even though he has a feeling she's in love with him.
Siderra has been in love with Romulus for years now and has grown tired of playing the friend role while watching him date other women. Figuring it's time to move on, she limits her time with Romulus to start dating, but how can she really date when her heart belongs to her best friend?
Romulus can't handle another man stealing her attention. He wants her, but he doesn't want to hurt her by his history of being carefree and nonchalant when it comes to women. He's a man conflicted. Confused. Tortured by his own emotions. He's a man who's on the verge of losing the only woman he's ever loved.